11 February 2022 | Youthscape: Is youth work a sinking ship? How to face the fear of church decline

“To minister to young people, then, is to learn to put to death our fretful handwringing and our busy bailing out of water. We are called to attend to the anxieties within us as we learn to wait upon the surprising God of grace, who simply delights to interrupt our lives and the lives of our young people. In short: we are called to learn to trust.”

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5 October 2021 | Youthscape: Filling the God gap - how your childhood shapes your youth work

In this article for Youthscape, I introduce the concept of Family Systems Theory and ask how it maybe stops us from being fully present in our ministry with young people.

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8 September 2021 | Youthscape: Doing Less, Being More

Another article for Youthscape, this time asking the question why we often fill up church youth work with frantic activity and content, instead of just being and ministering to young people? And lots of Billy Joel references.

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7 May 2021 | Youthscape: Tear it all down? Why youth ministry needs more than just a fresh paint job

A little article I wrote for the awesome people at Youthscape on Andrew Root’s book “Faith Formation in a Secular Age”, house building, youth ministry, my hatred of carpets and the importance of patriotic sex.

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